Opening hours
We are open from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 18:30 and on Friday from 08:00 to 15:00. The leaders would appreciate it if all children are inside by 09:30 so that we can sit at the table together. You can pick up from 16:30. If you want to come earlier, that is possible, but please let us know in advance so that the leaders can make it as quiet as possible for the rest of the group.
Exchanging days
Switching is no problem for us, you can do it limitless. The rules are simple: the days you would like to exchange must be two weeks apart at most and must be requested at least two workingdays before. Of course we need to have availability and suffucient caretakers. You can easily request exchanging days through the parent portal. National and jewish closingdays are nonexchangeable days.
Requesting extra days
It's possible to request extra half or full days. If we have availability and there are sufficient caretakers we will always allow for extra time. Extra days will be billed on the next invoice. Requests can be made through the parent portal but if you need to know asap you can always ask the caretakers on your group.
A full day (mondays through thursdays) is 10,5 hours. Because of sabbat Friday is a shorter day of 7 hours.
​The price per hour is €12,06
In 2025 the costs per month will be:
1 full day per week: € 550,84
2 full days per week: € 1.101,68
3 full days per week: € 1.652,52
4 full days per week: € 2.203,36
Friday (short day): € 367,23
1x extra day (full day): € 126,63
1x extra day (friday): € 84,42
Payment is monthly, before the first of the new month. The invoices are collected automatically, you give your consent by filling out the payment sheet with your contract. The invoices are automatically emailed monthly and once a year you get an annual statement for your taxes.
Closing days
Villa Bambini is closed on all national and (parts of) jewish holidays:
dec 24 We close at 1600
dec 25 + 26 Christmas
jan 1 Newyearsday
apr 14 - 21 Pesach (open on apr 22)
​apr 26 Kingsday
may 5 Liberationday
may 29 Ascentionday
jun 2 + 3 Sjavoeót
jun 8 + 9 Pentecost
These days cannot be used as exchangedays.
Is your child sick?
Children get sick sometimes. But when can you and can't you bring your child to the daycare? If you're in doubt you can always confer with our caretakers or you can read the chapter on illnesses in our pedagogical policy.
Mon-wed-thu hot lunch
Three days a week a hot lunch is served to the children, prepared by Moekes Maaltijd. The meals are 100% fresh and 95% organic. On request they serve vegatarian meals and of course we take allergies into account. Every week the new menu's are posted in the hall. On tuesdays and fridays we eat sandwiches.
Parent commission
Villa Bambini's parent commission consists of 3 members and gets together 3 times a year. They have an advisory function and the members are available for questions and suggestions from parents. They can be reached at: ocvillabambini@gmail.com.
Of course we don't like seeing our children and parents go, but sometimes it just must be. Cancelling can be done by email. The cancellation period is one month and goes into effect on the first day of the next month.
Parent portal
The parent portal informs you on the daily activities of your child and you can use it to send request for switching days or extra days. Are you new in our daycare? Go to the parent portal to sign up with the emailadress that is registered with us. Click here for the manual.
Our policy
Safety and Hygene policy (in dutch)
The yearly inspection reports can be reviewed at the site of the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (LRK)