The parent portal: stay up to date!
Sometimes you would like to call the group for a moment to hear how your child is doing. Or you are curious how it went today with the hot meal. Maybe you want to request an exchange day or provide your new address. This is all possible in the parent portal of Villa Bambini.
Every parent receives its own login. This brings you to your own page where you see your child (ren). You can see what your child ate and drank that day, what it played with and how long it slept. Photos are also uploaded here that can only be viewed by you. So you can share the day of your child from the office, when it suits you and when you need it.
But you can also come here for practical matters. Requesting an exchange day or an extra day is very simple. You can also view the planning for the coming period as to whether your personal details are supplemented or changed via the parent portal.
What can we say? After all, we are ‘The nicest daycarecentre in Amstelveen’!
Click here to go directly to the parent portal. For the manual click here.